3 Benefits of Using HR and Recruiting Chatbots

recruitment chatbot

E-recruitment refers to the use of corporate web sites, social media, and various other information systems (Chapman and Gödöllei 2017; Holm and Haahr 2019) in workforce hiring. Communicating with hundreds of candidates one by one in the recruitment processes is costly, slow and leads to inconsistent responses. There are many AI applications that can help solve bottlenecks in recruiting process and recruiting chatbots are one them. Recruiting chatbots aim to speed up the first round of filtering candidates by automating scheduling for interviews and asking basic questions.

recruitment chatbot

We employed constructivist Grounded Theory oriented analysis as described by Charmaz and Bryant (Bryant 2017; Bryant and Charmaz 2019). The constructivists approach notably highlights multiplicity of perspectives, and that outcomes are provisional social constructs. It contrasts with traditional objectivist approach to Grounded Theory where investigation and observation are independent of a specific researcher and context-free generalizations are aimed for (Bryant 2017).

Job description bot

During the course of my career, I have been both in the position of a job seeker and recruiter. Next, we wanted to see how well it could create an ‘employer-brand EVP for a software company, and it did it well enough! The EVP it created was detailed, convincing, and inspiring and met the standard of the typical middle-of-the-range EVP we’d see out there.

What algorithm to use for chatbot?

Popular chatbot algorithms include the following ones: Naïve Bayes Algorithm. Support vector Machine. Natural language processing (NLP)

This makes the chatbot more effective in screening candidates and identifying the best-fit talent for an organization. One of the unique features of Olivia is that it uses conversational AI to simulate human conversation, making the candidate experience more engaging and personalized. It can also remember previous interactions with candidates and tailor future interactions to their specific needs.

Inappropriate algorithms or data

With the current push towards AI and automation in recruiting, chatbots have obvious applications for significantly reducing recruiters’ workload. Whether engaging hundreds of candidates at once, contributing to a strong and consistent employer brand or keeping current employees happy, the chatbot might just become HR’s best friend. At the time of the study, the early adopter participants had used recruitment bots for several months or even years already. The early adopters’ trials could be publicly witnessed on organizations’ web sites, and the examples were recognized to have created positive expectations and encouraged piloting also in other organizations.

  • As the talent landscape continues to tighten, a competitive candidate experience is essential to attract and engage the best talent.
  • All in all, Humanly.io is good for organizations that want to save time, improve candidate experience, and increase diversity in their talent pool.
  • Brazen provides a mobile-first chat-based recruitment and networking platform.
  • With the rapid advances in machine learning (ML) technology, AI now “learns” from its own experiences, becoming more “humanlike” and valuable to businesses.
  • According to a critical view by Cappelli (Cappelli 2019), companies are generally obsessed to decrease the enormous costs of hiring and the market is full of vendors that offer new technology.
  • Acquisition of new human resources typically takes place through external recruitment (Keller 2018).

High volume recruiting requires communicating and coordinating with thousands of candidates, in addition to a recruiter’s normal screening functions and other daily tasks. The Conditional Logic function allows you to hyper-personalize the application process in real-time. Simply put, when a field exists or equals something specific, you can contextualize the application experience based on the candidate’s answers. According to surveys, 65% of candidates may drop out from the application process because of poor communication. Considering that 72% used to share their negative experience with friends and colleagues, that may cause significant setbacks in your hiring.

Design & launch your conversational experience within minutes!

If you’d like to know more about how AI and NLP-based software can improve hiring through intelligent resume parsing, automated interviews and much more, check out our article on NLP and the future of hiring in India. Recruitment chatbots are helpful as a communication channel because of their ease and speed of use. However, their IM-style interface may not be well suited to all kinds of communication. For instance, sending longer answers to questions or large files via email would be more appropriate.


On the other hand, it is also time-consuming and can take a lot of energy out of you. Rally Content Contributor, and employer brand & recruitment marketing consultant with The Employer Brand Shop. At its core, recruitment is about finding the best-suited candidate for the role at hand. We are getting a lot of questions about how an AI interview actually works and some are wondering if it’s awkward.

Accelerating automotive industry with customer support Chatbot

In general, chatbots have entered a broad spectrum of application areas. Also, conversational bots have been studied in the context of stimulating discussion on social media platforms (Nichols et al. 2013; Savage et al. 2016). In the workplace context, chatbots have been introduced, e.g., to support an individual’s detachment and reattachment process (Williams et al. 2018).

recruitment chatbot

In this article, we take a look at some of the pros and cons of using a traditional chatbot vs. Tengai in recruitment. In a recent survey, it was found that 58% of the candidates prefer communicating with AI technology and recruitment bots, basically voice chatbots. And 66% rely on chatbots to schedule interviews and the necessary preparations. By engaging with candidates through their application process, businesses are seeing an increase in the number of higher-quality applications. Traditional recruiting process is a time-consuming task for recruiters and contains multiple bottlenecks that harm candidate experience during recruiting process.

How do you set up a recruitment chatbot?

A recruitment chatbot is a computer program that simulates a conversation with a candidate by using predefined answers to predefined questions. Essentially, the recruitment chatbot is capable of providing relevant information about the job without involving a recruiter. Ideal’s chatbot saves recruiting time by screening and staging candidates throughout the hiring process, all done through their AI powered assistant.

  • In a similar fashion, you can add design a reusable application process FAQ sequence and give candidates a chance to answer their doubts before submitting the application.
  • The recruiting process is filled with manual, redundant, and time sequence-dependent tasks that slow down the recruiting process, causing candidates to drop out of the process while costing the business quality candidates.
  • Help your best internal talent connect to better opportunities and see new potential across your entire organization.
  • This makes it easier for all parties involved to interact with them using their preferred method of communication.
  • Occupop is a beautifully simple recruitment software built for small and mid-sized businesses.
  • We wanted to see how ChatGPT would respond to a disappointed candidate’s request for information on future similar openings at the company.

It communicates with job applicants (written or spoken) about vacancies, allowing them to ask questions related to the job opening and apply if they are interested in the role with just one click. Having done the candidate pre-screening, you can design the metadialog.com chatbot to go ahead with scheduling interviews or pre-interview calls with designated employees or managers. In short, chatbots are software that may or may not rely on AI to manage recruitment and communicate with users via a messaging interface 24/7.

What are the challenges of recruiting chatbots?

At the same time, the adoption of chatbots was found to have introduced interesting new challenges and needs for compromising, which we will focus on in this subsection. We identified relevant organizations that have used recruitment bots through online searches, which led us, for instance, to relevant news articles or blog posts. Typically, we used “chatbot” and a recruitment related word, such as “recruitment” as search terms (in Finnish). In addition, we created a LinkedIn advertisement that targeted people with experience or interest in using recruitment bots.

  • AIMultiple informs hundreds of thousands of businesses (as per similarWeb) including 55% of Fortune 500 every month.
  • It’s important to keep in mind though that a recruitment chatbot is not designed to replace a human.
  • Automate FAQs for candidates and personalize job search experiences, globally.
  • At the same time, considering the perspective of a recruiter, there is little academic research on the utilization of chatbots for this particular organizational need.
  • At Overstock.com, employees who are too sick to come into work can let the HR chatbot, Mila, know.
  • According to research, users generally have a positive experience interacting with a chatbot but there is no way to predict whether users will feel comfortable engaging and trusting a chatbot.

What is a recruitment platform?

A Recruitment Marketing Platform or RMP is software that's used to market your jobs and your company so that you can attract candidates and convert them into applicants and new hires.


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